It was a fitting start to the UK showcase festival season that the sun shone down on the 100s of delegates and bands reconvening after two years on the Brighton seafront. It was also a first time opportunity for work experience for (DIY long term partner) BIMM students, staff and graduates who also played a large role throughout the entire Great Escape Festival, through their work busking, volunteering and organising events.
Shortly after, DIY joined its first 2022 European partner festival – Tomavistas – in Madrid.

From Mad Cool to the enduring pre-eminence of Primavera, Spain more than holds it own when it comes to world-beating summer festivals. But it thrives in less obvious ways, too. Cue Tomavistas in Madrid. First held back in 2014 with a line-up of mainly Spanish artists, the three-dayer has grown to offer a carefully-curated perfect ratio of big-hitters and world-class native talent. The result is a less hectic, yet no less worthy alternative to more grandstanding weekenders.
Despite doomy clouds become lightning, which swiftly becomes a full-blown storm and an hour or so festival shut down!

In the end, Tomavistas pull it off and then some. By actively refusing to choose between being a national or international festival – as well as prioritising curation and affordability over expansion and trying to please every type of potential attendee – it proves a genuinely refreshing festival on the continent with both charm and potential to spare. Read our review on DIY Magazine.
Back at The Great Escape DIY joined the international meet and greet to advise overseas visitors on the UK music market and caught up with old friends at #OnTrack the PPL, PRS for Music and PRS Foundation at the Harbour Hotel. Our editorial and content team were rushed off their feet with so many exciting emerging artists to see.

After two years away, the return of The Great Escape to Brighton’s venues, pubs and pop-up sea front soirees feels like a more welcome start to UK festival season than ever. A potted distillation of new music’s most hyped, it’s a weekend to separate the genuine contenders from the well-they-sounded-good-on-SoundClouds; delightfully, the majority fall firmly into the former camp. Read the review on DIY Magazine.
If you would like to find out more how DIY can bring value to your festival or event please get in touch with [email protected] or download our festival pack.